Overnight Mystery Trip – April 7-8, 2025


Overnight Mystery Trip – April 7-8, 2025

Here it is…Spring Mystery Trip 2025

Next year’s Mystery Trip is going to be a little different.  What I mean by that is normally our Mystery Trip is just a day trip.  However, next year what I want to do will be too far to try to accomplish within one day so we are going to do an Overnight Mystery Trip.  

The date is April 7-8, 2025.

Through the years we have been to some interesting places, from Hemi Hide Out, to Tony Chacere’s and the Orphan Train Museum, to Houston Ship Channel Tour, to an Ice Cream Tour, and even to a Funeral Museum and so many more places.  They’ve all been fun day trips.

I am so excited for next year’s Mystery Trip.  I wanted so much to do this trip, but I just couldn’t get it to happen within a single day trip.  So, the next best thing is to make this next Mystery Trip into an overnight Mystery Trip.

We will leave on Monday morning, April 7th and return around 5-6 PM on Tuesday, April 8th.  These Mystery Trips, as you well know, usually fill-up very quickly and I am sure this one will be no exception.  So, if you want to go you will need to register now.

You can register for the Mystery Trip now.  If you have been on other Heaven Bound Tours trips lately then you can just email, call or text me and I will add you to the trip as I will have all your information that I will need to register you.  You will then just need to pay your deposit of $50 to complete your registration.

Non-refundable Deposit of $50 due when registering.

Final Payment is due March 1, 2025

If you would like travel insurance for this trip the cost is $60 per person and will need to be paid with your deposit.

Ok, registration is now open for 2025 Spring Mystery Trip.

Online Registration Form

Tour Cost:

  • $364 Double

    (2 people sharing room. Price is per person)

  • $346 Triple

    (3 people sharing room. Price is per person)

  • $337 Quad

    (4 people sharing room. Price is per person)

  • $417 Single

Additional information

choose Plan

Double, Single, Triple